Letter from a reader
To say only thank you seems such an injustice. I haven't finished reading your book, which I found at our local library, and they have this week taken Vioxx off the market and I'm sure Celebrex will follow. This past year, I fired my OBGYN because he thought every woman should be on HRT for her entire life and I felt I wasn't judged as an individual with my own history. I'll be giving a copy of this book to my family doctor because she has been trying to get me to have a bone density test and now I feel it will only tell me what I already know, which is that at 51, I am aging.
I will never look at drug commercials the same way again. They seem as dangerous as advertising that cocaine and marijuana are okay. If there wasn't so much money involved, possibly our government would be more worried about us and not profits.
Thank you for opening my eyes. I know I will be a more informed consumer and patient in the future.
Linda Dallal
Dewitt, MI