From Retired Med School Professors
Dr Abramson
Both my brother and I are retired med school professors, and, perhaps surprisingly, politically conservative. We read Time, Newsweek, National Review and TAS and a lot of other serious publications-- not that I consider the healthcare mess to primarily a political issue, but we have noted that these magazines are more apt to do book revues of such issues. I am surprised by many of the books revued which are obviously very politically biased, but your book doesn't carry the least hint of political bias. I have considered writing some editors suggesting that they take a look at your book. Do you think that would do any good? A large number of letters might have some impact. I have also considered writing to the IN Senators and representatives from my district.
I don't mean to sound cynical, but it seems that the majority of people don't worry about the right things as long as they are fat and prosperous.
I wish i could do more.