2008 Appearances
Medical Grand Rounds Tufts Medical Center, May 30, 2008
Harvard Medical School Library, June 3, 2008
University of Vermont Family Medicine Review/Vermont Day, June 12, 2008
Harvard School of Public Health Conference on Ethical Issues in International Research, June 13, 2008
Canadian Coalition for Health: Is Free Speech more Important than your Health, Toronto,CA March 4, 2008
Benson-Henry Institutre for Mind Body Medicine/Harvard Medical School Coninuing Medical Education Program. Understanding our Critically Ill Health Care System and Offering a Real Alternative, Boston, MA, March18, 2008
Northwest Naturoathic Physicians Convention, Can We Trust the Evidence in Evidence-Based Medicine? Vancouver, British Columbia, April 5, 2008
Therapeutics Initiative, University of British Columbia , Lookin’ For Health in All the Wrong Places: The Commercial Distortion of Efforts to Reduce the Burdent of Heart Disease, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 7, 2008
Direct to Consumer Perspoectives National Convention, What’s Wrong with the American Healthcare System (and How to Make it Right), Washington DC, April 16, 2008
Direct to Consumer Perspectives National Convention, What's Wrong with the American Healthcare System (and How to Make it Right), Washington DC, April 16, 2008
Leadership and Business Strategies for Integrative Health Care, American Hospital Association, Phoenix AZ, May 17, 2008
Conference on Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada, May 24, 2008
Marvard Medical School, Countway Library, Boston MA, June 3, 2008
Harvard School of Public Health CME course: Ethical Issues in International Health, Boston MA, June 13, 2008
Federal Bureau of Investigation, "The Systematic Distortion of Medical Knowledge: Licit and Illicit," Boston MA. June 26, 2008
Western Maine Health System, CME, August 18, 2008
N.Y. State Academy of Family Medicine CME, September 27, 2008
Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine/Harvard Medical School
Continuing Medical Education Program, Boston, MA, October 2, 2008
Boston University Medical Students, Primary Care Week, October 6, 2008
Boston University Dept of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, October 23, 2008
Cambridge Health Alliance, Family Medicine Grand Rounds December 2, 2008