Recent Speaking Appearances, 2007
Harvard Medical School Continuing Education: Mind/Body Medicine Clinical Training
Boston MA. 02.25.07
Indian Health Services, National Combined Councils "Can We Trust the Evidence in Evidence-Based Medicine"
San Diego CA. 02.13.07
Harvard Medical School: "Why Primary Care Don't Get No Respect"
Boston, MA. 02.08.07
Gila River Health Indian Community Health Center: "The Growing Gap Between Evidence-Based Medicine and Good Health Care"
Sacaton, AZ. 02.06.07
Renown Medical Center, Grand Rounds
Reno, NV. 02.05.07
Sutter Medical Center, Family Medicine Grand Rounds
Santa Rosa, CA. 02.02.07 - 02.04.07
McDougall Program Health Conference
Santa Rosa, CA. 01.25.07
Dept. of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 10/5/07
North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries, When the Facts Aren’t True, What’s a Librarian to Do?, Woodstock VT, 10/29/07
Prescription Access Litigation Dinner, Keynote Speech
Washington, D.C. 01.25.07
Panelist at George Washington University: Relations with the Pharmaceutical Industry,
Washington, D.C. 01.25.07