Overdosed America Paperback Edition Available

"Some of the nation's worst drug dealers aren't peddling on the street corners, they're occupying corporate suites. Overdosed America reveals the greed and corruption that drive health care costs skyward and now threatens the public health. Before you see a doctor, you should read this book." - Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation

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Excerpts: Introduction | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14

your discussion on WOR radio...

I caught a small amount of your discussion on WOR radio the other night with Dr. Hoffman. I take a statin and was looking for that publication you mention in that english journal of medicine. Do you have a link I can use to read.
Bob Foley

Bob, There will soon be a couple of article posted on the web site that will be helpful, and there is a whole chapter in Overdosed America that discusses medical studies and recommendations about cholesterol-lowering drugs.

All the best,
John Abramson MD