Overdosed America Paperback Edition Available

"Some of the nation's worst drug dealers aren't peddling on the street corners, they're occupying corporate suites. Overdosed America reveals the greed and corruption that drive health care costs skyward and now threatens the public health. Before you see a doctor, you should read this book." - Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation

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Excerpts: Introduction | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14

Children, Adolescents and Zoloft

I am writing to you on behalf of Christopher Pittman. Chris is the child in the middle of the “Zoloft” trial. He was tried as an adult, found guilty and is serving 30 years in prison.
We at Justice for Juveniles (www.justiceforjuveniles.org) are writing letters to politicians and newspapers and everyone else we can think of so more people will learn the facts of his case. We have started a petition to have the SC Legislature change the laws concerning trying children as adults including children under the influence of prescription drugs. It is:
Would you sign our petition or bring this matter to the attention of anyone who might be interested but if so it would be appreciated. Thanks.

Sheila Maloney
